Sunday, August 27, 2006

My First Experience with MGPA

Its amazing, I never have that experience. I am happy that I have cleared my first MGPA.

Firstly I was little bit nervous. At 03:20 PM I got the Paper and my heart starts beat with much higher speed, but when I read the problem it was simple, but time pressure make it hard
because time was so limited that in the first one hour , you have to understand the problem and then you have to create a logic, take the dry run of the created logic and in the next one hour you have to implement the created logic in the parikshak environment, this (next) one hour is more dangerous, because when you are in parikshak you can't imagine that when this one hour has passed. I was lucky that I get all Y's in first attempt.

My first MGPA was alright, but my second MGPA was not so good, I got 3 Y's and 1 X. And it was hard to find why one X , in that one hour.

So what I have learned from my these two MGPA's is

- I have to manage my time

- read the problem carefully

- try more than 3-4 dry runs

- keep patience.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Indian Govt must do something......

This is my first blog and I think that the indian govt should do something redarding the terrorist activities that are incresing day by day in our country.

Take the example of Mumbai blast. Seven bombs in a span of ten minutes ripped through the jam packed local trains in Mumbai, during the peak rush hours.

There are many questions that need to be answered and the people of india deserve an answer. First and foremost is how long will indians continue to live in the shadow of fear of such blasts which have now become a regular feature ? Why is it that since 9/11, no terrorist outfit in the world has dared to repeat a similar act in America ? And why is it that with a sickening regularity, indians metros like delhi, mumbai, and even bangalore, besides jammu and kashmir, will continue to be bombed by the terrorist ?

Also if these are the handi-work of terrorist, why doesn't the govt of India once and for all take a firm action to weed them out of this country, as the America had done.

We don't wish to hear anymore the name of terrorist outfit who are allegedly doing all this. We also have no interest in finding out who they are or why they are doing this. All that the people of this country want is that if these acts are being done by terrorist from across the border, then the govt needs to finish it all once and for all.